Welcome to the New MyNovelBook

Here is  MyNovelBook, it's a small time social media. Sorry that I hope to grow, like in the spirit of myyearbook.com. This is basically the same kind of deal, but with a twist as it is more like my space in my yearbook, you're not able to give gifts or anything at the moment.    This is post to be a fun place where people of all ages can be able to mingle in Enjoy. If you're a minor on my, I suggest that you go near someone who is a minor as well and an adult, the I don'tThis is post to be a fun place where people of all ages can be able to mingle and enjoy. If you are a minor on my I suggest that you go near someone who is a minor as well and an adult, the same thing only as an adult I would not suspect that there's gonna be any problems. 




If there is there, any problems come to me right away: dark. 




the rules are simple:


NSFW accounts, porn, d*ck picks, CYBERBULLYING, antisemitism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, any kind of bigotry, sexism, extremism.




have fun

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